About Me
I always wanted a few chickens. When I finally took the plunge into chicken-keeping, I dove right in! That year I shipped in dozens upon dozens of eggs to start what has become a program with a focus on egg quality, carcass size, breed type and most importantly, the ability of these breeds to live like heritage chickens are supposed to. They must not only prove to be good representatives of their breed, but they must exhibit disease resistance, hardiness, fertility, broodiness, and ability to forage. Quality birds are developed over time, so we are dedicated to the breeds we started with and continually strive to improve them. That being said, a true poultry fetish includes other species of birds and my "gateway waterfowl" were the Rouen ducks. We now have a large flock of fly-eating Muscovy, a few stunnying Cayuga ducks and the delightful American Buff Goose. Guinea Fowl roam the acreage and our hybrid heritage turkeys successfully hatch and rear their own young. Here, at Granite Acres, it's not uncommon to see duck and turkey moms leading scores of babies around in the summer as we aim for raising them as naturally as possible. A few chickens indeed.