Raising the Birds
I take great pride in the way I raise my birds. My methods are guided by a standard of ethics I firmly believe in. Granite Acres birds are bred to maintain, and improve upon, their breed characteristics as well as traits that we find necessary in today's poultry. We utilize the environment the birds live in to assist in selecting the best specimens (you can find some interesting breeding pages in my LINKS section). If you'd like to know more about how I raise my birds, click the button below to learn more.
Breeds and Projects

Blue Ameraucana Click here for photos
The Ameraucana lays a blue egg. It is not the only breed of chicken to do so, but it can be differentiated from other blue egg layers by it's distinct physical attributes. It is often confused with the Auracana (which is very rare) and the crossbred Easter Egger. A true, purebred Ameraucana conforms to the breed standard for it's size, appearance and colour. My Ameraucanas are bred specifically for egg colour and egg size.
The Ameraucana lays a blue egg. It is not the only breed of chicken to do so, but it can be differentiated from other blue egg layers by it's distinct physical attributes. It is often confused with the Auracana (which is very rare) and the crossbred Easter Egger. A true, purebred Ameraucana conforms to the breed standard for it's size, appearance and colour. My Ameraucanas are bred specifically for egg colour and egg size.

French Black Copper Marans Click here for photos
The Black Copper Marans is a heritage, French breed of chicken. Originating in the swampy lands of southern France, it developed a reputation for being hardy, beautiful and flavourful. Perhaps it's greatest claim to fame, is it's rich, dark brown egg that is a favourite of James Bond's. Egg colour and egg size are the focus here while maintaining a dual-purpose body size and encouraging foraging abilty. They are French standard with feathered legs.
The Black Copper Marans is a heritage, French breed of chicken. Originating in the swampy lands of southern France, it developed a reputation for being hardy, beautiful and flavourful. Perhaps it's greatest claim to fame, is it's rich, dark brown egg that is a favourite of James Bond's. Egg colour and egg size are the focus here while maintaining a dual-purpose body size and encouraging foraging abilty. They are French standard with feathered legs.

Wheaten Marans Click here for photos
This rare colour of blondish hens and russet roosters, produce the darkest eggs on our farm. They are calm and friendly like our other varieties of Marans. I find them to be a slightly smaller bird than our other varieties of Marans which is a work in progress. My Wheaten Marans are occasionally clean legged but they are always beautiful and their eggs are sure to please.
This rare colour of blondish hens and russet roosters, produce the darkest eggs on our farm. They are calm and friendly like our other varieties of Marans. I find them to be a slightly smaller bird than our other varieties of Marans which is a work in progress. My Wheaten Marans are occasionally clean legged but they are always beautiful and their eggs are sure to please.

Blue/Blue Wheaten/Blue Copper Marans Click here for photos
Blue Marans are a breed variety in progress so they do not lay eggs as dark as the Black Copper and Wheaten Marans, but their fun plumage more than makes up for that. Three colours are possible with blue poultry: blue, black and splash. This year the pen includes pure Blue Marans, Blue Wheaten Marans and Blue Copper Marans for a darker egg and a stunning bird. This group should produce some beautiful birds that are excellent dual purpose fowl.
Blue Marans are a breed variety in progress so they do not lay eggs as dark as the Black Copper and Wheaten Marans, but their fun plumage more than makes up for that. Three colours are possible with blue poultry: blue, black and splash. This year the pen includes pure Blue Marans, Blue Wheaten Marans and Blue Copper Marans for a darker egg and a stunning bird. This group should produce some beautiful birds that are excellent dual purpose fowl.

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Click here for photos
The Blue Laced Red has been described by other breeders as "Eye Candy" and that couldn't be more true. I don't have a favorite when it comes to the blue, black or splash variety of these chickns. They're all so beautiful. They also have a personality that can't be beat. Easy going, smart and inquisitive. They have proven themselves to be hardy, active foragers with good egg production and a tendency to broodiness. They're a true dual purpose chicken.
The Blue Laced Red has been described by other breeders as "Eye Candy" and that couldn't be more true. I don't have a favorite when it comes to the blue, black or splash variety of these chickns. They're all so beautiful. They also have a personality that can't be beat. Easy going, smart and inquisitive. They have proven themselves to be hardy, active foragers with good egg production and a tendency to broodiness. They're a true dual purpose chicken.

Granidot Click here for photos
This is a project that is 3 years in the making. The best of my Blue, Wheaten and Black Copper Marans with my best Ameraucana have set the stage to produce a 100% splash line of green egg layer. I anticipate the 2017 offspring will be feather legged, muffed, splash and lay a mint to olive green egg. All the best attributes of my favorite breeds combined in one fabulous bird! Granite Acres polka dot "Granidot" chicks available beginning March 2017.
This is a project that is 3 years in the making. The best of my Blue, Wheaten and Black Copper Marans with my best Ameraucana have set the stage to produce a 100% splash line of green egg layer. I anticipate the 2017 offspring will be feather legged, muffed, splash and lay a mint to olive green egg. All the best attributes of my favorite breeds combined in one fabulous bird! Granite Acres polka dot "Granidot" chicks available beginning March 2017.

White Leghorn Click here for photos
2016 was my first year with the White Leghorn and they've proven themselves to be superior egg producers and excellent foragers. I've had no illnesses or losses with this group and admire their hardy nature. They aren't a large bird, but out on the acreage with all the other breeds and bird species they are not last in the pecking order. They're friendly, intelligent birds that I've developed quite a fondness for.
2016 was my first year with the White Leghorn and they've proven themselves to be superior egg producers and excellent foragers. I've had no illnesses or losses with this group and admire their hardy nature. They aren't a large bird, but out on the acreage with all the other breeds and bird species they are not last in the pecking order. They're friendly, intelligent birds that I've developed quite a fondness for.

American Buff Geese Click here for photos
The Buff is a mid-sized recoqnized APA breed developed in the US that has a milder temperament, is less vocal and is an excellent parent to it's young. I trained mine as weeder geese when they were goslings and they appear to stay on top of the dandelions around here in the spring!
The Buff is a mid-sized recoqnized APA breed developed in the US that has a milder temperament, is less vocal and is an excellent parent to it's young. I trained mine as weeder geese when they were goslings and they appear to stay on top of the dandelions around here in the spring!

Hybrid Turkeys Click here for photos
My turkeys are a hardy, hybrid cross of Eastern and Narraganset which results in a larger than Eastern, more slender than heritage bird that lays large clutches and will incubate and brood their own young. They are friendly and inquisitive, bordering on being a nuisance! In 2017 I added some Blue Slates to the flock and the resultant offspring have some of the coolest colouring while still being independent foragers and excellent brooders.
My turkeys are a hardy, hybrid cross of Eastern and Narraganset which results in a larger than Eastern, more slender than heritage bird that lays large clutches and will incubate and brood their own young. They are friendly and inquisitive, bordering on being a nuisance! In 2017 I added some Blue Slates to the flock and the resultant offspring have some of the coolest colouring while still being independent foragers and excellent brooders.

Rouen Ducks Click here for photos
I am no longer breeding Rouen ducks. The Rouen is a French breed of duck that I find to be friendly with a good sense of humour about life. I keep them for laughs, their large and delicious eggs and their Mallard-like beauty.
I am no longer breeding Rouen ducks. The Rouen is a French breed of duck that I find to be friendly with a good sense of humour about life. I keep them for laughs, their large and delicious eggs and their Mallard-like beauty.

Cayuga Duck Click here for photos
The Cayuga is a gorgeous duck! The adorable solid black ducklings are SO cute and the shimmering green sheen on the black plumage of the adults is jaw-dropping. I find these ducks to be superb foragers and cold hardy. They will go broody, but I don't find that to be a common occurrence if eggs are collected daily. Less comical and personable than the Rouen duck, they are independent and will march out to search for worms and insects.
The Cayuga is a gorgeous duck! The adorable solid black ducklings are SO cute and the shimmering green sheen on the black plumage of the adults is jaw-dropping. I find these ducks to be superb foragers and cold hardy. They will go broody, but I don't find that to be a common occurrence if eggs are collected daily. Less comical and personable than the Rouen duck, they are independent and will march out to search for worms and insects.

Muscovy Duck Click here for photos
Likely the most underrated duck in Canada. Hardy, disease resistant, insect eating and fast growing, they are a different species than all other domestic ducks. The Muscovy takes an additional week to incubate which results in a more intelligent and evolved bird that can be easily imprinted as a pet. The females are amazing egg layers and brooders. Their prolific nature means lots of ducklings and quick growing fowl.
Likely the most underrated duck in Canada. Hardy, disease resistant, insect eating and fast growing, they are a different species than all other domestic ducks. The Muscovy takes an additional week to incubate which results in a more intelligent and evolved bird that can be easily imprinted as a pet. The females are amazing egg layers and brooders. Their prolific nature means lots of ducklings and quick growing fowl.